So this summer I am a full-time nanny for THE most precious 4 and 6 year old in the world.. I'll have a blog coming shortly about them! Haha but I just wanted to write one really fast before I forget about the funny moment I just shared with the 6 year old Madison, she and I were cuddled up on the couch, she and her brother Ryan just finished feasting on a delicious meal of scrambled eggs, biscuits, bacon, and fruit haha (oh the joys of breakfast for dinner!) But anyways, Madison and I were cuddled up on the couch, watching the classic movie The Wizard of Oz... well, we were on the scene when they are at the beauty salon area before they make the trek to the wizard, and the horse was changing colors, I was laughing to myself as they 'ooed and ahhed' at the horse changing colors, to them it was incredible and to me it's just watching very bad special effects. WELL, I decided to enlighten them and ask if they knew that this was the very first color movie shown in the 'cinema' (in those days) and they're like "oh goodness no..." And then Madison turns and looks at me with her huge blue eyes and just says:
"Miss Laura.... were movies invented when you were a little girl?" Haha!!
Ahh this is the first time I truly feel old.
PS! Happy TWENTY FIRST wedding Anniversary to MY BEAUTIFUL MOTHER AND WONDERFUL FATHER!!! I love you both very much and am SO happy you two are my parents and that you have shown the 3 of us what it is like to truly have a wonderful, happy, blessed MARRIAGE!!!!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Home Sweet Home!
Anyways... I’m officially finished with my freshman year of college!!! I am happy to report that it came with everything a first year should come with, haha! Fun classes, football, new friends, success, failure, happy times, sad times, sober, and not so sober times… love, heartbreak, and above all things, a lot of self discovery…. I can honestly say that I will miss it, but I am beyond excited for what this next year will bring!!
(Katie, Heather, Me, and Stacy! At the Halloween tailgate for Cambridge!)
Now that I’m back to living at my parents house and unpacking everything that I somehow fit into that little dorm of mine, I’m finding all the little pictures that Stacy or Heather had drawn for me, reminding me of everything from my freshman year of school, and then looking around at all the high school ‘memorabilia’ I have accumulated over the years… homecoming mums… pictures… trophies… medals… swim stuff… all hanging in my room it’s funny to think about the fact that I feel old now… I feel like high school was such a long time ago.
This time last year I was getting ready for State for Choir, and getting ready to graduate, and as I see my friends who are seniors this year it is strange to me how excited they are about certain things and over obsess about what outfits they wear for what, it all seems like such a big deal to them right now.. But a year from now they too will be sitting in their beds, at their parents’ homes, thinking about this kind of stuff.
It’s crazy how much I’ve learned in a year, but I wouldn’t trade any of it for anything. It was a crazy year, and I never knew time could fly by quite that fast… and apparently freshman year goes the slowest! I can’t wait to see what the next 3 years will bring, for now though I get to focus on my summer job (nannying Madison and Ryan, my favorite little kiddo’s on this planet!) and starting summer school (Biology…) in 2 weeks! Wish my luck! Haha!
I hope everyone is doing well, and will have a safe, happy, and blessed summer!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day!
Well, more and more often lately I find myself wandering over to read blogs as opposed to facebook (who would have thought that day would ever come?!) and I have wanted one for a while but, I’ll be honest; I have never really felt like I had anything interesting to talk about, haha! But well, I have a lot of stuff coming up so I decided I’ll give this a try and start one now, and I figured hey, what better day to start than on Mother’s Day, a day honoring my Mommy, the woman I admire and respect more than anyone else in the world and the incredible person who gave me life!

(After my high school Graduation)
This is my first Mother’s Day away from my Mommy, and I would have loved to go home for the weekend, but unfortunately we started finals (yuck) last Thursday and I will not be finished until Wednesday so I’m here studying my little heart out in hopes of finishing out my Freshman year of college strong (it is crazy how fast this past year has gone! But I’ll write about that once I am all moved out)
Today I wanted to write about my fantastic Mommy, she has always been someone that I am the complete opposite of, yet, somehow exactly like… and being more and more like her everyday.
My mother is the most beautiful woman in the world, inside and out. She would drop absolutely anything to care for her family and friends, and as the first born I’ve been able to watch what my Mommy does to teach Jen and John (my siblings) knowing how much of an impact that exact lesson had on my life. My Momma has always been my #1 protector, she would never let ANYTHING happen to Jen, John and I and I love her so much for that. She is someone I could laugh with for hours and talk about anything that came up, and someone who always knew when I was sad and needed to talk. A shopping partner who has taught me the love of finding great deals haha! She always let the 3 of us do whatever we wanted (within reason of course) and I can’t remember a time in my whole life that I was ever told “No, you can’t do that” If there was something that seemed like it would have a positive outcome for it, or we would learn something valuable from it, my parents would make it happen. My Mother has been the perfect example of what a phenomenal Wife is. She is the kind of Wife and Mother I aspire to someday be like, every night without fail there would be a delicious, hot, home cooked meal on the table, and everything would somehow manage to get completely cleaned and put away by the end of the evening (with kids help of course;))
She has been the most caring, loving Mommy in the entire world and lessons she has taught me are ones that have shaped me into the person I have become, and continue to grow into. I am my Mother’s daughter and I could not be more proud of that, without her love and her support I don’t think I’d be half of the person that I am today.