Sunday, December 19, 2010

You're Here

Hello sweet little Bloggy readers.
I pray each and everyone of you is having a blessed and merry Christmas season.
I was driving home from school and stuck in the worst traffic of my life (accident on I-35, sad)
But as I was sitting there with a numb tushy and an unfortunate rumbling tummy this song came on the radio. I wanted to share it with everyone because it is so wonderful!
I will legit blog later tonight!

Until then, enjoy!

Thursday, December 16, 2010


I have been cleaning all morning and listening to this song on repeat.
So beautiful.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Day is FINALLY Here

Praise God
Finals are

I am SO thankful that this hour has finally arrived!

However, my last test... whew that was a bad time for me.
I sat down to take my test, and no sooner than when my test was handed to me did I start to feel ill. No, not the kind of ill that you feel just because you're taking a test... No, I mean ill, like get me out of here I'm about to vomit all over this test!

I pushed through though! I had to push through! I had 100 multiple choice questions and 25 short answers (thank the good Lord they didn't have to be complete sentences).
I got through all the m.c's and then came the short answers... this is when things got really bad. My handwriting was about this big on my paper, and was the sloppiest I think I've ever turned in, but by golly I got through it! I ran up to the front put my test on the pile and literally ran out of my class, left behind all my stuff and got to the bathroom, and yuk. I don't have a clue where it came from! It was HORRIBLE! I felt awful too, there were other girls in the bathroom with me, poor things. BUT I digress; since I feel 84021x's better already I can laugh about it and sum it up to I guess that's just how I felt about this semester.

I wish everyone the best of luck on their last couple of finals, and I HOPE no one else has to endure the discomfort of vomit on test day!

Love to all.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Prayer Request

While I have you here:

Please pray for my sweet friend Amy Urban,

She has to make a 100 on her psych final and she has an accounting exam which she would like prayer for.

Thank you oodles and oddles!

Christmas Time

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.  ~Norman Vincent Peale
Ah, Christmas time, I thought I'd never see you.
Christmas is my favorite time of year, it seems everyone is happy, the world is more beautiful, FINALS ARE OVER, and I have one whole glorious month to spend at home with my family.

As I sit here on my couch studying for my one last final (7:45 am get at me! I can handle this!) I decided it was time to bust out some peppermint hot chocolate, get the clothes in the dryer, and change the blog to a more festive background. I'd have to say that I'm quite fond of the results myself! 
I also figured while I'm here I ought to blog, right?!

Christmas to me is a time to spend with the ones I love most. I love the traditions that my family has, and I'm beyond thrilled they're all waiting patiently for me to come home to decorate the tree (sorry you're so nekked right now little tree). However, there is always that thought that comes creeping up every year, and don't worry; it isn't a bad thing, just something that has become too much of the focus for the season--> gifts. I know, I know, it's hard not to make that list (Mom-- if you're reading this, Crock Pot and new tabbed Bible! That's it please!) But that isn't the reason for the season!

It is also an awesome time of year to get out of your comfort zone a little and do some service. Your time is one of the most precious gifts you can give a person. There are so many ways to get involved too! Contact your home church and ask if they know anyone in the congregation that is in need, often times the answer will be YES! And how cool is that to give back to someone you sit in church with every week? Personally, I think it's one of the coolest things... ever.

I hope everyone finishes finals STRONG and has a safe drive home to your families!
Love to all.

my life according to ornaments, baby's first christmas, my high school, and college!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Finals, oh how I loathe you.
But I understand you're unfortunately necessary (I guess).

Here I am, stuck in Evan's library... I've re-read the same information 6 million times it seems like, and each time I am faced with the unfortunate fact that this stuff isn't sticking like it should. Naturally that means I need to take a 'study break'.

So amid the facebook creeping, twitter updates, and browsing, I am spending a great deal of time reflecting upon this morning’s message in church. Today, we talked about 1Peter 5:1-12.

For those unfamiliar with the verse, it is all about humility. Be humble in all that you do. "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." (1Peter 5:5)

It speaks of the Lord rewarding those who don't give into the temptations of the devil, for the devil prowls like a lion. He searches for those who are weak and weary. We are all subject to it; it just comes down to who can stand in the faith. Be the Salt and the Light to the world that everyone should be.

I think this was an awesome subject to cover 1. During finals! Don't give in and say 'no, I'm not going to study, I'm just going to fail anyways.' I struggle with this with one class in particular (funny, the one I’m currently in the library studying for!) It's hard to read fact after fact knowing that you're never going to use this information a day in your life after you hand in that final, BUT you are responsible for knowing that information for the time being! BE BIGGER THAN YOUR TEST! This is something that I constantly have to remind myself of. I am so thankful my professor is a man of God and I can say to him 'this class is causing me struggles not only with my grades, but with giving into temptation by the devil... and he understands! Such a blessing to me this semester! And 2. Right before we all return home for a month where you may be subject to slip into habits of being home, friends, pressures, problems of all kinds. I know when I go home things are easier, I may not be in prayer as constant as I am at home, or I feel more tempted to slip-up in other areas of your life. Put your foot down and say no, stay rooted in Christ and although it may not be as easy, and you may suffer, it is worth it, stay humble and bear that name with honor. (1 Peter 4:16-17)

"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for YOU." (1Peter 5:6-7)

I wish everyone luck on your finals, and I hope you finish the semester with all A's!

Photo cred:

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Well, y'all... I'm sorry... I was a horrible failure last month, things just got so busy with school I didn't have time hardly to sleep, let alone blog.

I am currently sitting in the 'cyber lounge' of the dorm I lived in last year with every hope that I would concentrate better here, rather than in my current Apartment. It was successful for about the first 4 hours, but the last hour I've had nothing but a wandering brain, so I felt this was an appropriate time to clear my head and take a break. Why was my mind wandering? I could not have been making more lists in my head if I tried. Everything from trying to remember every single thing I had in my pantry, to what kinds of things are on my 'bucket list' of things to accomplish before I die. Well, since I had all these lists buzzing around in my brain I figured I would write them down, writing them down turned into me blogging about them. The way I see it is if my goals are out there for the world to see, that will hold me accountable to complete said goals.

Oh me oh my, here goes nothing!

What do I want to do this week?
1. Rock the socks off of all my classmates who are (unfortunately) forced to listen to me present my extra credit project over the New Madrid Fault Line (whoa! Earthquakes! AWESOME...)
2. Learn something new in all of my classes.
3. Study my little rear end off for finals.
4. Bake some sugar and spice nuts because they smell so yummy :)
5. Do well on my Geography test!
6. Call my family and grandparents.
7. Be in prayer often about my little's that I will have as campers this summer.
8. Sleep at night! No more all nighters please... I just wasn't made to study all night long!

Well, if you read this: Say a prayer for me that I am able to tackle all said things! Sheesh, Lord knows I'll need it!

Good Luck to EVERYONE who has finals this week! I'll be praying for you all. Seek the Lord and He will give you peace.