I know I haven't been good at updating this blog at all, it makes me kind of sad actually because I have so many things I could be writing about, but I have been just so darn busy lately it's ridiculous. But I can't sleep and decided now is as good time as ever to just kinda write about my 'feelings'... After all, that is what my blog is for... right?
Anyone who knows me knows that I am without a doubt a very happy person. Today however has just been a day for the books though. I don't think I've truly been sad in a long, long time. My family though is currently facing challenges we have never had to endure before, and hopefully, God providing we never will again. But for now it's just tough, on everyone. We have to make changes that aren't comfortable. But, dispite sitting in my bed and crying most of the day, I decided to revaluate and look at things from a different angle, clear my head a bit. So, in order to do this I went to my friend's house tonight and while it was fun I just still wasn't feeling being in a room surrounded by people who were laughing and having a great time while I felt like the whole world was crashing down on me. I was just sitting there on the couch, sippin on my Dr. Pepper thinking about what to do, what to do, what to do, I'm listening to my friends laugh, listening to my heart cry, and listening to my brain yell at myself for everything in the book, but amongst all that I just happen to look over and see a little tiny funny lookin book so I decided to flip through it, well, it was a little book about how to get through life, and I was reminded of some very valuable things.

The Lord chooses to remind us to love the things we do have, and to appreciate all we have been blessed with. There is no use in dwelling on things we can not control, that is a useless waste of time, the time you spend wallowing can be spent being productive towards things that are much more worth your time. Never forget that it doesn't matter WHAT you have, it's WHO you have. And I have been blessed with THE most incredible family in the entire world. I know a lot of you think you have the best, but trust me, I have the best! We LOVE each other through thick and thin, we SUPPORT each other in everything, and we just have FUN together. I miss my family SO much while I'm away at school. My little sister and brother are my whole world, they are my best friends, and of course I pick on them from time to time but I wouldn't trade either of them for 734927492 million dollars each. My parents are the two people I respect more than anyone else in the world and I appreciate every single thing they have taught me. I am SO thankful for them and for my life.
In the event that you are reading this Daddy, Mommy, Jen or John:
I love you.
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