Today I am thankful for:
Francine Rivers
Oh... my goodness, if you are ever in need of some good reading Mrs. Rivers is your woman! She is such a wonderful author. All of her books become addictions for me; I can't put it down until I finish the whole thing! I made the mistake of starting one last week at work and whew, this morning I was layin in bed and ended up reading 300 pages and finishing the whole book in an hour and a half! It was so good! It is called Scarlet Thread. Francine Rivers is a Christian author, writing fictional tales but ones that you can so relate to and has some awesome prayers written into the text that I find myself praying to myself after reading them. I love when that kind of thing happens! :) Mrs. Rivers writes the very well known novel Redeeming Love, which is my all time favorite book. But everyone needs to give her other works a try! They're just as awesome! I have read Leota's Garden also and I laughed, I cried, I hurt, I felt love, and above all I could feel the characters love for the Lord just as I do! It is so awesome!

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P.S: How about this awesome weather?! Nothing makes me happier than walking out my door to be greeted by a cool breeze and a beautiful sky with a beaming sunshine. How lucky are we that all this was created for us to just enjoy?! So awesome!
Also... in 159 days I leave for Sky Ranch training! I am so excited! Please be praying for my heart, I know I'm taking on a giant task, but my goodness I'm so excited to grow and expirence everything this summer! Also for my girls to come! I can't wait to meet them!
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