Good Morning' bloggy readers!
First off- can I just say oh my goodness! This month has been crazy busy! Full of both ups and downs, but more up's so I'd say it's still a success. I will quite possibly consider recapping my life this month in an end-o-month post, but we'll see! For now I want to write about this past weekend, in particular-Saturday.
**Warning, long post**
This past Saturday was Aggieland Saturday at Texas A&M (Whoop!). Basically a giant hay day at school full of prospective students. Well, my friend Blake Bell and I were on campus for this fine event and it could not have been a better day. Back story: We approached this day as a 'We're just going to give this to God and let him create our day'. How did this day start? Blake overslept... But divine planning it was! He met me at my apt and we took the bus to campus, we had to head over to Rudder and get papers (and cookies...). Because of Blake's habit of oversleeping (can you tell this may have happened once or twice before...?) we ended up missing all the first meetings of the day. So we hung out a little and walked around campus and I showed Blake lots of things because he hadn't ever really been on campus before. Finally it's time for our meetings to we head over to the appropriate buildings. Meanwhile growing all the more hungry.
This past Saturday was Aggieland Saturday at Texas A&M (Whoop!). Basically a giant hay day at school full of prospective students. Well, my friend Blake Bell and I were on campus for this fine event and it could not have been a better day. Back story: We approached this day as a 'We're just going to give this to God and let him create our day'. How did this day start? Blake overslept... But divine planning it was! He met me at my apt and we took the bus to campus, we had to head over to Rudder and get papers (and cookies...). Because of Blake's habit of oversleeping (can you tell this may have happened once or twice before...?) we ended up missing all the first meetings of the day. So we hung out a little and walked around campus and I showed Blake lots of things because he hadn't ever really been on campus before. Finally it's time for our meetings to we head over to the appropriate buildings. Meanwhile growing all the more hungry.
Finally our meetings were over and we made the epic decision: McDonalds, or, on campus food? Well, one thing led to another and we found ourselves moseying our way on over to eat on campus and thank God we did! We got our food, prayed, and ate, sat and talked and decided we still wanted more food. Off we went to the pizza line where just the sweetest looking little boy was standing behind us in his little school uniform and his little Texas A&M lanyard around his neck. I then made the decision I didn't actually want pizza, so Blake headed back to our table and I went and loaded a plate with olives and cucumbers. I got back to the table and Blake was looking over at this table of sweet kids who are all here visiting and I noticed he was looking at the little boy who happened to be the same little boy who was behind us in the pizza line. Low and behold he was sitting alone, at the end of the table, not talking to anyone from his class. There is something about kids eating alone that absolutely rips my heart apart (insert the instant flow of tears I had to fight from my eyes) while watching this sweet boy pick at his food.
After seeing this I asked Blake nicely begged Blake to go ask his teachers if we can ask him to sit with us. His teachers were a little taken back by this request but Blake explained we were sitting right next to yalls table; they will be able to see him the entire time etc. Well, we got the okay and Blake went and asked this boy to sit with us. He actually seemed a little creeped out by Blake's request at first but eventually he said yes and came to sit with us. I (being the girl that I am) was so excited and immediately started bombarding the poor boy with questions about him. What's your name? Hugo. Where're you from Hugo? Austin. AUSTIN?! HUGO WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE! Come to A&M you better not love UT because you're from Austin (whew, he said he didn't, he actually wanted to go to TCU before he sat down with us). But long story short Hugo is from a school that takes kids from families whose parents did not go to college and live within the means that puts them right on the poverty line and they take them in at this school and prepare those sweet students to be able to go to college (no, little Hugo did not fill me in on all of that, I did a bit of research on his school when I got home). We got to know Hugo a little bit and he was a shy, timid, sweet, caring, wonderful little boy who is 12 years old and a 7th grader in Austin, he loves soccer and has one little sister and a Mommy. He loves to ride bikes and swim and doesn't understand football. After Hugo had been with us a little bit he went to throw away his trash and the rest of his classmates started to wander on over to us and started asking us things like 'why are you talking to Hugo... he's weird, he get's in fights' etc. We replied with what?? Hugo is awesome, what're you talking about?? Eventually their comments turned from negatives to 'oh... I guess he is cool!' *melt my heart* I just loved it.
Blake and I started the day with the plan to not plan, and just let God take us where we need to go. If Blake wokeup on time we would have gone to the first meetings, been done way earlier than we were and we would never have crossed paths with Hugo in a setting where we had time to make a bond with him. Instead our day consisted of so many wonderful things and I couldn't be happier. It just reaffirms my thoughts behind this verse: "In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven" Matthew 5:16. If we as Christians always kept that in mind I think we could change the world by setting examples. It is so rewarding to do good deeds too! I love it!
I hope everyone has a blessed week, chin up as I know tests are upon us all as college students! You can do it! I would also like to challenge everyone who reads this blog to do a good deed today. Whether it be clean up after your roommates without thinking a single negative thought, or going and finding a kid like Hugo and just be a friend. All deeds are great no matter how small.
Here we are with fountains... how cheesy can we get??
Here we are with fountains... how cheesy can we get??
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